May's Charity Meditation session raised a wonderful £100 in support of the lovely Sarah from Thursday evening yoga who will be abseiling 418 feet down the tallest permanent abseil tower in the world! She is doing this to raise money for Action Duchenne and to raise awareness of a condition called Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). Thank you to all who supported the event. For more details or to make a donation please see the following link: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/awesomeabseil2019
In our May yoga practise we have been playing with flowing dance-like sequences that have challenged both the body and the brain - great for encouraging a busy mind to focus! We've also taken time to connect and release the diaphragm through awareness allowing the breath to be freer and deeper. Towards the end of the month we have been working on core strength to support both our posture and balance. In June we will be working on opening and freeing up the hips and sides of the body and continuing to strengthen the body to take us into the Moon Salutations.
There will not be a class Thursday 13th June.
Dates for the diary:
Yoga Retreat Day - Sunday 23rd June 2019
Please remember that yoga is about working with your own body, there is no pressure to keep up or even have to do everything if it doesn't feel comfortable. Yoga is progressive and if you give your body time, and focus on the relaxation, all the other parts (strength, flexibility etc.) will fall into place.
Please contact me for class availability.
If you have any questions or queries, please feel free to contact me.
Peace and blessings