I hope this finds you and your family well 💖
THANK YOU to everyone who signed up for the Online Candlelit Yoga Event and for all the lovely feedback so far. The event will be online until Monday so there's still a chance to enjoy the sessions over the weekend, which I hope will bring a peaceful and calm start to the New Year. You can sign up here.
Our live online sessions start again on Monday 4th January 2021. If you haven't yet signed up to the Yoga and Meditation Portal now is the time! The Portal offers you live online yoga and meditation sessions plus access to a library of nearly 90 on demand yoga videos and meditation audios giving you 24/7 access from anywhere in the world you may be, but most likely right now, the comfort of your own home! Content is updated regularly giving you new sessions every week. The Portal is incredibly good value for money offering you live sessions from as little as £1.50 a session with access to the on demand content included! You can also cancel anytime with the monthly option. You can sign up here.
If you haven't yet seen it, Victoria Yoga made it into the GHP Fitness and Nutrition Awards 2020 Magazine. You'll find the article on page 7 using the following link https://www.ghp-news.com/issues/fitness-and-nutrition-awards-2020/
With the current climate being a challenge for many of us, I am offering a FREE Wellbeing Support portal. It's completely free to use and includes a Wellbeing Support ebook, meditations, a yoga session AND you can join our live Monday night Meditation Sessions for free! You can sign up here.
We will be focusing this month on Motivation and Mindset in our meditation/wellbeing sessions. We will be working on getting clear and connecting with what is important to us, what we would like to cultivate more of in our lives and letting go of what no longer serves us. This will allow us to create intentions that help us to remain positive and focused regardless of what is happening externally. A great way to start the New Year!
In our yoga we will be easing into our sessions and our bodies by working on joint health and physical wellbeing. Expect gentle movement, stretching, opening, releasing and lots of deep healing relaxation.
Online Live Session Timetable and Updates
January online sessions
Mondays 8pm - 8.30pm - Meditation Session (starts 4th Jan)
Thursdays 8pm-9pm - Yoga Session (starts 7th Jan)
Remember you don't have to join in live if you don't want to, all the live sessions are in the library and available for catch up at a convenient time.
You'll find the live sessions listed in the events tab in your online library or on the calendar tab when you sign into your account. The Join Session link will go blue at the time of the event allowing you to join the session.
In-Person Yoga Timetable and Updates
In-person sessions are currently not allowed to run due to the government restrictions. I will continue to monitor the situation and as soon as we are allowed I will resume sessions, although this is not looking likely for sometime. In the meantime, please make use of the online platform www.victoriayogaonline.com
I can't stress enough how important it is to look after your respiratory health and immune system in the current climate. I put together an Online Respiratory Health Course back in March 2020 at the beginning of the first lockdown and I can now see doctors and nurses all over social media making some of the same suggestions in the treatment of COVID. The Respiratory Health course however is much more complete with an in depth learning of the respiratory system, correct breathing, yoga, meditation and breathing exercises to strengthen and support respiratory health which is great for both prevention and recovery. There are also extra support suggestions to help support the immune system and respiratory system in the event of illness and infection and an emotional support section. I am offering a 25% discount on this course during January. Use the code: 2021 at the checkout. You can sign up here
I can now offer online wellness solutions for businesses. With poor mental health costing UK employers up to £45bn a year and with rising cases in anxiety, depression and stress-related illness, never has it been so important to look after health and wellbeing in the workplace. I am working together with a team of experts in the wellness field to provide businesses with bespoke online wellness solutions. If you would like more details please see the following link Corporate Wellness.
As always, if you have any questions or queries or any suggestions or feedback please feel free to contact me.
Peace and blessings to you
Kind regards