May's yoga classes, like the weather, have provided lots of variety and there has been opportunity for those attending to be more involved in the structure and content of the classes by being able to offer poses to suit the individuals needs and creating collaborative salutations. I have loved the choreographic challenges that have been thrown at me!
The next retreat day will be Sunday 7th August. Details can be found here: http://www.victoriayoga.co.uk/whole-body-yoga.html
You may also be interested to know that the Mind Body Spirit Festival is in Chelmsford Sat 11th and Sun 12th June. For online details of the show please use the following link: https://www.paperturn.com/flipbook/id/mbs1/chelmsford-mind-body-spirit-festival-programme-2016-pdf?pid=Njl6205
I will be away at the end of June so there will be no classes Sat 25th, Mon 27th, Wed 29th and Thursday 30th June. There are currently spaces in all classes although space is limited so booking is advised.
Lastly a big thank you to Sam F (yoga teacher in training) for stepping in at the last minute Saturday and taking the class. The feedback has been lovely and positive and I hope this will give you more confidence and belief as you continue your training and yoga journey. Thank you to everyone at the class on Saturday for giving Sam such a positive and supportive space for her to share her yoga with you.
If you have any questions or queries, please feel free to contact me.
Wishing you peace and blessings