For those of you who have been able to attend classes with me, I hope you are enjoying the yoga and all its amazing benefits. We have been working to gently open and stretch the body, spending our sessions quietly connecting, easing out any aches and pains and taking the time to rest in beautiful relaxation.
As we move towards summer and the suppleness of the body increases, it's important to build more strength to support this change, especially in the core. The strengthening of the core will provide essential support for the body, especially the lower back. This can only be done through proper awareness. 'Abdominal exercises' with little or no awareness can, in fact, make the core weaker and risk back injury. I am planning to cover this fully over the next few weeks in our class and so will hopefully provide you with a better understanding of how to strengthen the core safely and effectively.
With Bluebell magic and the fragrance of flowers in the air,
Victoria x