Firstly a big thank you for all the lovely things you must be saying about me! I can't tell you how many times people come to me because of someone they got talking to on the train, or in the gym, or on holiday, or at their physiotherapist or osteopath recommendation because of clients they have seen who have spoken so highly of my classes! It is so lovely to know that what I do is having such a positive impact - thank you! For anyone who has been wanting to attend classes but they have been full, I have had a few spaces open up - please contact me for details. If you book in monthly you will also have access to free online yoga sessions. Drop in option also available.
Through the October yoga sessions we have been focusing on the legs by increasing flexibility through stretching and breath work and also by strengthening through the core leg muscles. We placed special focus on the ankles and it has been wonderful to see so much improvement in everyones balance. We took a week to really slow down with an extended healing body scan relaxation that seemed to be much needed. We have closed this month by adding in some shoulder opening, back strengthening and some restful time in the prone position which is so beneficial for the digestive system as well as being deeply relaxing. We have continued working on releasing the lower back with gentle movement, breath and ground connection in the meditative practise that focuses the mind and body in preparation for the relaxation. Through November we will be working with the changing weather and the darker evenings, adjusting our practise to suit the needs of the body at this time.
For those of you who attend classes regularly, I have added another yoga session to the Members Area of the website. This is a Thyroid Focus Yoga Session and Healing Body Scan Relaxation. The session works on balancing the endocrine and nervous system through a 30 minute yoga practise, followed by a 10 minute healing body scan that can be used independently if you are short of time or the energy is too low for a full yoga practise! Enjoy!
Dates for the diary:
Charity Christmas Yoga by Candlelight - Monday 16th December TBC
Charity Christmas Yoga by Candlelight - Thursday 19th December TBC
Last yoga class of 2019 - Saturday 14th December 2019
First class of 2020 - Wednesday 8th January 2020
I am just waiting on the details for the Christmas yoga to be confirmed and will then send out all the details and booking information.
If you booked in for October sessions, then your booking is automatically carried forward into November unless you have let me know otherwise. If you no longer want your space, please let me know so I can offer your space to someone who maybe waiting. If you wish to be added to a waiting list, please let me know and I will notify you when a space becomes available.
Please remember that yoga is about working with your own body, there is no pressure to keep up or even have to do everything if it doesn't feel comfortable. Yoga is progressive and if you give your body time, and focus on the relaxation, all the other parts (strength, flexibility etc.) will fall into place.
All class details including availability can be found here
If you have any questions or queries, please feel free to contact me.
Peace and blessings