I have some more exciting news...
We won another award!!! We now have 2 awards!
Best Community Yoga School - Essex
Excellence Award for Online Yoga & Meditation Classes 2020
in the 2020 Fitness and Nutrition awards
Thank you again to everyone for supporting me, and each other, over the years in Essex and now in our new online global community 💖🙏

"We often forget that WE ARE NATURE. Nature is not something separate from us. So when we say that we have lost our connection to nature, we've lost our connection to ourselves" Andy Goldsworthy
In our October yoga sessions, both online and in-person, we've been exploring the use of the ground, the support in our body through the core support structure and finding trust and freedom in the letting go. We've also been working on strengthening and supporting the respiratory system.
As we have been covering this briefly in our yoga sessions and in response to the current climate, if you would like to deepen your understanding and support your respiratory system, I am offering a 50% discount on the Respiratory Health Online Workshop. Please use the code BREATHE at the checkout from now until 2nd December for your discount.
In our online meditation classes we have dived deep into the incredible practise of Yoga Nidra and finding the science and the magic that makes up this deeply healing and relaxing practise.
All of the live online sessions are now in the Online Yoga and Meditation Library if you missed them or would like to experience them again. There are now 70+ yoga videos and meditation audios to choose from in the library that you can access and use anytime and anywhere. You can join the live sessions and access the library by signing up at www.victoriayogaonline.com.
Online Live Session Timetable and Updates
Mondays 8pm - 8.30pm - Meditation Session
Thursdays 8pm-9pm - Yoga Session
Remember you don't have to join in live if you don't want to, all the live sessions are in the library and available for catch up at a convenient time.
You'll find the live sessions listed in the events tab in your online library or on the calendar tab when you sign into your account. The Join Session link will go from grey to a colour at the time of the event allowing you to join the session.
In-Person Yoga Timetable and Updates
Unfortunately due to the government imposed lockdown starting this Thursday, we are unable to continue with our in-person classes but rest assured we will be back up and running as soon as possible and we will of course be continuing online.
I am happy to run the last in-person yoga class this Wednesday, 10 -11am, for anyone who wishes to attend. Please let me know ASAP.
I am exploring more ways in which to support you during this difficult time and will keep you updated, do know my inbox is always open if you need!
If you have any questions or queries please feel free to contact me.
Peace and blessings